
Improving the monitoring and evaluation of WASH systems in rural Oaxaca (Mexico)

Members of the EScGD, in collaboration with the State Water Commission of Oaxaca (CEA), participate in a project aimed at improving the monitoring and evaluation of WASH services in the Mexican rural context. The project is expected to increase the capacities of local stakeholders (CEA staff, municipalities, and community committees) in managing and using decision support system to plan the WASH sector in Oaxaca.

Funded by: UPC’s Centre of Development Cooperation (CCD).

Participating entities: Members of the EScGD (Julio Alejandro Ríos Hernández and Laura Vinardell Magre), and members of the Comisón Estatal del Agua de Oaxaca (CEA)

Duration: April'18 - September'19

Contact: Julio Alejandro Ríos Hernández

